‘Rede contra violencia’ ist eine Basisorganisation aus den Favelas Rio de Janeiros, die die kontinuierlichen Menschenrechtsverletzungen/Morde in den Favelas durch die brasilianische Polizei kritisiert. SO36.NET unterstützt diese ideell und logistisch - deswegen hier ihre aktuelle Erklärung zur Situation in Rio.

Stop Massacres

We, the people of Brazil that find unacceptable the governmental policy that, for the past two months has been directed towards the favela Morro do Alemão, under the excuse of combating drug traffic, want to invite you to take charge on this honorable cause.

The refered policy fully ignores the fundamental rights of the favela´s population. It is not considering the govern´s duty of assuring constitutional elemental rights such as the presumption of innocence of people that are being killed because sentenced guilty without due process of law in a country where there is no death penalty: the recent results of such governmental policy in Morro do Alemão show the deaths of over twenty people, including women and children.

Residents of areas affected by drug traffic violence have no governmental protection and that results in a policy of massacre of unarmed people. If it was a war, as frequently declared by the authorities of the state of Rio de Janeiro and as endorsed by national mass media, it would at least have to obey the accorded in the Geneva Convention, and the civil population and the military targets would have to be clearly differed. Therefore, even when considering such absurd hypothesis, the actions carried by Rio´s authorities toward unspecified targets in such populated areas result in a flagrantly illegal and criminal action against its habitants.

We are indignant and want to declare our revolt against these so-called crime combat policies. The election of the authorities of the state of Rio does not assure this government the power to decide by force that is to live or die in favelas or in other marginalized areas. We protest and demand that the govern interrupts what we understand to be the formalization of a policy of massacre in Rio de Janeiro, as well as we demand full access to the data about victims and the responsible to be investigated and prosecuted. We understand that the Pan American Games are approaching and that the occasion requires security planning. That, however, does not justify a series of actions that seems to be nothing but organized massacres.

If you want to take charge on this cause, please send an e-mail to comunicacao.rede@gmail.com with your name and institution/social movement/NGO, and your signature will be added to this document. We would be grateful if you could help us with the spread of that document.

Thank you for your attention,

Rede de Comunidades e Movimentos contra Violência

Communities and Movements Network against Violence


Rio de Janeiro, Brasil